“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
– Mother Teresa

Psalms 146:5-10

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our God is Healer-Part 1

Part 1

Psalms 111
Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart, in the company of the upright and in the assembly. Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied by all who delight in them. Splendid and majestic is His work, And His righteousness endures forever. He has made His wonders to be remembered; The Lord is gracious and compassionate. He has given food to those who fear Him; He will remember His covenant forever. He has made known to His people the power of His works, in giving them the heritage of the nations. The works of His hands are truth and justice; All His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever; they are performed in truth and uprightness. He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.

Never doubt the power of God. Never doubt the love of the Father. Never doubt the plans the Lord has for you. These are three of the things that God has been teaching me through the incredible journey of the past two weeks. And even though I had no idea where God was taking me or doing in my life, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. It will continue to shape me for the rest of my life.
I want to make one thing really clear, I was never on my own in this. I was surrounded by people who cared about me and from the beginning and I was constantly being lifted up in prayer; every day, multiple times, by many different people. They prayed complete healing over me and God’s glory to be magnified for all to see. It wasn’t just my family and friends here in Africa who were praying for me, but everyone back home, churches across the U.S., and people all across the world. There is power in prayer and I had a lot of prayer. So, to everyone who prayed, thank you! I hope that you realize that you are a part of this story too and will continue to be as I share my testimony with those I meet along the way.
As soon as my eye began aching, I knew that God had a plan. So, I anticipated it would get worse, because I was expecting God to show up. And when it became obvious that something was really wrong (probably around the time I noticed a large white spot growing along my pupil and iris) I had already been filled with His never-ending peace. There wasn’t a moment when I wasn’t aware that I might lose my sight or even my eye, but I was content with God being in control and with whatever outcome came. I’m not saying that I wanted to become blind in one or both eyes, just that I was never worried about it. If God could use me being blind to share His love with others, then I would gladly give up my sight so that others might begin to see Him. I knew that no matter whatever happened God’s glory was going to be seen by many and I was honored that He would choose me to tell this story. But here’s the thing, something that I believe with everything that I am, God is always faithful and He loves to share His plans with His children. I always knew that it was His plan to heal me. I just had to wait patiently for His perfect timing.
I felt it when it became the right time. There is something very distinct, irreplaceable, and powerful about the touch of God. I wish I could describe it but it’s something that cannot be explained, it must be felt. Instead of waiting on the Lord to heal me, I was simply resting in Him. It made all the difference. And while I couldn’t see with my eyes, I saw Him touch my eye and was aware of something changing. I could feel something moving in my eye. I knew that God was healing me and that I would see again. It was a feeling that I would become very familiar with over the next few days as He continued to heal me. And just like I felt God place His healing hand over me, I knew when it was finished and He lifted it.
For the rest of my life I will tell others of my God, who is my Healer and Healer of all! At first it was hard to believe that God would let this incredible miracle be a part of my story, but I know my God to be good and so I am not surprised. If you give Him your life unconditionally, He will use it to do great things in His name.
So, today, I will lift my voice and sing praises to the King and great I AM! Halleluiah to the Lord of Lords, my God and Father, Healer of all things!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Familiar Faces

Bonjour tout le monde d’Afrique!

It’s only been eleven days since I returned to Gabon and already I’ve settled back into the rhythm of life here. I wish I could describe how wonderful it is to be back here with the country and people I fell in love with last spring, but it isn’t really something you can describe. It’s more than just feeling whole again because you’ve found that part of you that you’ve lost, it’s almost like your heart can finally be at peace because you are where you are meant to be, if that makes any sense. I am beyond excited to be back in Gabon for six weeks and to have the chance build on old relationships and begin new ones.

Oh, how I’ve missed the Gabonese people! There is just something so special and beautiful about these people. Since I’ve been back there have been a lot of happy moments, and all to do with seeing familiar faces. Going to the OSPAC medical clinic for the first time was one of those. The moment I walked in I was hailed by shouting and smothered in hugs and kisses. I kept hearing how much I had been missed and how happy they were that I had come back again, in English I might add (all of their English classes have really been paying off). We have fun, them trying to work on their English and us interns trying to speak in French. After the language barrier being so difficult last year and I am extremely thankful that already we are able to communicate! However, I still have more than a lot to learn and a lot to practice, so these next weeks I will be working hard on French. I’m hoping to improve a lot while I’m here!

We had the chance to go to Pastor Jacob’s house for dinner this past week and it was amazing! The Gabonese people really know how to entertain and throw a party! Not only were all of the OSPAC group there and all of us interns, but we also got to meet more of Pastor Jacob’s family. After an amazing dinner we danced (always my favorite part of these parties) for a few hours, then we sang and prayed together, and then danced some more. Just imagine about thirty people cramped into a tiny living room dancing African style…it was crazy!

Maybe the thing that I was looking forward to doing most when I got here was visiting Hope House, and on Saturday I was able to go. It was such a beautiful day. I know that I can’t fathom what heaven will look like, but seeing all of them rushing towards me, hearing their laughter and joy, I wonder if I had a glimpse what it will be like. I had told myself not to expect them to remember me, after all they meet so many new people every summer, but I was hoping a few of them might. I was wrong; as soon as I got there the children were shouting my name. I was smothered in hugs, many of the children wouldn’t let go of me for a few minutes. As some of the new children came over I could hear the others telling them who I was, and then I was given even more hugs. As soon as hugs were given the children all started talking to me about Christopher, a boy that captured my heart last time I was at Hope House. It turns out that the he went home for the summer just five days before I arrived in Gabon. This means I won’t have a chance to see him this summer. Hope House is a home for abandoned children and some of them have families that they visit during the summer. Even though it was hard to hear that I wouldn’t be able to see him I was really touched by how concerned the children were, they wanted to make sure I knew that he missed me and that he would be coming back. It wasn’t until after I got back to the center when I realized that I would have had two weeks with him if we had arrived in Gabon on our original flight. This is what is so hard for me to wrap my mind around because for the past year I’ve been praying over this boy and dreaming of the moment when I would see him again. And knowing that I would have had the chance…well, I wish I still had it. I know that we arrived in Gabon exactly when we were supposed to, so that means putting my trust in God with this too. I guess He had other plans for me and even though they are a little different than what I was expecting, I trust Him.

A big thank you, to everyone who brought me jump ropes to bring to the children at Hope House, the children LOVED them!! It was pretty special watching all of the younger children jumping rope outside together!

I was really excited that we made it to Gabon before my roommate from last year left. This past week was amazing! It was hard saying goodbye to, Olivia but I look forward to many Sykpe dates in the future! 

Things are going really well here and it’s been great for the Gabon 8 to have the chance to grow even closer. Last night, the first team arrived so from now on out we will have an even fuller house and be a lot busier! If today was anything like the rest of the summer it’s going to be crazy and a lot of fun.

I love and miss you all!

Prayer Requests:
·         I would find my peace and strength in the Lord, especially on those longer days.
·         That my French would continue to improve and that it might be used it well.
·         For the last bit of my financial needs to be met (I still need $150 in monthly support)
·         Safety for all of the teams and interns coming in and leaving this summer.

Friday, June 1, 2012

12 Days of Ensenada

     Twelve days ago I arrived in Mexico. I was expecting to stay for only four days but because God is good and knows all things He let me stay for longer. I know that my journey has just begun but already my plans have been changed for the better and I am thankful that my God will always be in control. If you had asked me when I arrived if I wanted to stay in Mexico waiting on entry paperwork to get into Gabon, I would have said “no”. If you had asked me if Mexico was a part of my plans, I would have said “no”. God knows everything though and He blesses us with perfect timing. He knew that I was meant to be in Mexico and it was always a part of His plan. Now if you asked me if I’d stay in Mexico longer, I would say “yes”.  I love that my God knows His plans for me better than I know them myself. He told me that I would share my testimony for His glory across nations, I thought He meant only Africa but I now I’ve shared God’s work in my life in Mexico too. 

      I cannot imagine going to Africa without having met the incredible people that I have gotten to know. They are a part of this journey and I am so grateful that the Lord blessed me with extra time with them. I wish that goodbyes weren’t coming, but I look forward to continuing to hear of God’s work here in Mexico as I go to Gabon and Uganda. Thank you, Clemmers, Rachel, Amanda, Autumn, and Gregg, as well as all of my brothers and sisters in Christ here in Mexico. 
     This morning, we woke up to the news that our entry paperwork had come in and that we’d be flying out of Los Angeles early Sunday morning. It was a beautiful and perfect example of God’s faithfulness and provision. Every day I am reminded of how great God is and just how blessed I am that my life is in His hands. I would choose to be anywhere else, because here I am complete. It’s exciting to wake up each morning and see my needs met and to be a part of God’s great plans. I am so thankful and content that I can rely on Him for everything. I know that He has so much more for me than I could ever imagine, just like He sees tomorrow before I even know what today holds. One day, I will get the chance to see Him face to face and on that day I hope that I can tell Him just how thankful I am for all that He has done and blessed me with, because until I see Him on that day I will not have the words to describe His great love. What a beautiful day that will be. But for today, I am glad that He knows my heart because He knows how much Mexico has meant to me and how deep my love for Him is.  I can feel His love for me and know that He will always give me the desires of my heart, before I even know them. I know He has been looking down on me this whole time in Mexico, waiting for me to understand the importance of this part of my journey to Africa. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.